Financials Transparency

Interested in how an adult site like BadPups operates? Here’s some of our financial information.

Note: Specific details and some information may not be listed below for various reasons.

Coming soon more details: to include – income, expenses, allocation (%) of funds (incl. any gifts, rewards, compensation, etc).

In the meantime, a broad statement can summarize for you that:

  • we spend most of our funds on our servers (video storage, website hosting, developers, backups, related infrastructure), and a smaller portion on giveaways and gifts (including occasional merch for staff after all expenses, after a set period of months to show appreciation for their efforts (with performance targets), before we are large enough to convert our team to salaried employees).
  • Most income is currently sourced from the BadPups Store, the rest is privately funded by individuals within the pup community.

Income sources:

  • BadPups Store Orders
  • Site Advertising
  • Private Donations (from verified members of the pup community)


  • Technical and infrastructure: Video servers, CDNs, web hosting, domains, BlueSky free themed usernames program, developers (freelance), server administrators (freelance), backup services, email services, security services.
  • Legal and compliance: Organization registration and renewal, taxes, state fees, attorneys, payment and banking fees and costs (including international fees for any international business or operations).
  • Marketing and advertising: TBC
  • Promotions, giveaways, and competitions: Prize values and historic information can be found on our Giveaways and Competitions History page.
  • Community benefits: See giveaways above. Content for health and safe sex (on our blog). See sponsorship section below.
Ongoing ExpenseLast Expense Cost Paid in 2024 (USD)
Domain Renewal ( + (others) + (BlueSky Free Custom Usernames Community Program)$319.91 / year (total)

Rewards and gifts:

  • Staff: To date (Sept 2024), all active staff have received 1 instance of merch from the BadPups Store after all expenses, after a set period of months to show appreciation for their efforts (with performance targets), before we are large enough to convert our team to salaried employees. Some staff have purchased merch from the BadPups Store using their own personal money.
  • Site owners: The site owners (specifically our parent organization) (as of Sept 2024), have not received any financial compensation, rewards, gifts, or bonuses as a result of any efforts from BadPups. All funds are directed at infrastructure costs, and other costs as per this page. Members of our parent organization who are owners have purchased merch from the BadPups Store using their own personal money.
  • Influencers: No funding spent here yet.
  • Artists: Artists who have contributed to works used on the BadPups Store merch are rewarded with compensation for their efforts. They are also informed that the intention of their work is used to primarily support income for BadPups, therefore profits are primarily used on the BadPups platform itself rather than given to people.


  • None yet. Requires more income.
  • Planned 2025: Indiana Leather and Kink Festival

Written off, wasted, or funds that could be used later (but are stuck):

  • ~$100-200 USD, provided by the site owners (so no loss from community support) which is locked up with our previous web host. They won’t refund the amount and it sits on our account with them, which could be used later if we engage them for future tech, marketing, SEO, or similar services. It is considered ‘wasted’ as the funds are locked to one purpose where we don’t intend to use the funds, at least for now.