BadPups is the world’s No 1 pup-play focused porn tube site, created and run (as volunteers) by the pup community. We serve mostly LGBTQ+ (and some straight) pup play related porn videos.
- Want to learn more about us? About BadPups - Want to support us? Learn how you can Support BadPups - Want to see our goals and plans for the community? Check out our Roadmap
Content creators are pornstars: big, small, or up and coming. Anyone can be a creator - as long as they are over 18, upload legal content, all persons in a video consent to the video being uploaded and are also over 18. We welcome creators who are pups, handlers, pet players, furries (ideally also pups), and kinksters. - Content creators upload to the BadPups website and their videos are shared by us on our website, socials, and in our community - always with credit/links to you/your profile. Creators are the amazing people who want to upload their videos for the world to see. It's free to make an account and upload to BadPups. - As of 2024 we don't pay creators for their content, but when we get big enough we plan to (see our Roadmap for info). - Creators who upload do so for various reasons whether it's to enjoy and share their content, for attention, or to potentially be paid for their video views in the future - the sooner you upload the more views you could get!
Models are people from all backgrounds, identities, and orientations who want to show off, like attention, or just want to help out. - Models provide us with existing photos and new photos as we need for our marketing and promotional purposes. - Models are always credited for their content.
To learn more about being a model, and how to apply, visit our Getting Involved page and look for the section called 'Models'.
A video can be removed by the person who uploaded it or by a moderator due to issues such as abuse, copyright, etc.
No, you may subscribe to as many creators as you wish. Be aware that 'subscribing' to an account means you are 'following' that account and will get new video notifications emailed to you. There is no cost for subscribing/following a BadPups Pornstar profile.
To see all the profiles you are subscribed to, go to Account Settings and choose the 'My Subscriptions' tab.
You need to log into your account, choose the Account Settings option, and you will find the Delete account button at the bottom of the page. To complete the process, you will have to click on the link sent to the account’s email address.
Yes. If you become a Premium member/supporter for a monthly subscription fee, you can enjoy watching videos - ads free. To get premium, visit: Upgrade to Premium.
BadPups is a user-generated content website. Most videos are provided by our community. If you'd like more of a certain type or category of videos, you can contact us to submit a request. This helps us know what is most wanted by our visitors.
Yes. We will email you when a user you are subscribed to uploads a new video.
In the future we are planning to reward the top 10% of creators - with free stuff, payments, and more - for top performing content that they create and star in. You can learn about our progress towards this goal on our Roadmap.
If you ever have any questions, queries or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact our support at or DM us directly on social media.
Please contact us if you would like to change your username. It may not be possible in all cases so choose carefully.
If you mark a video or photo as a favorite, they will be added to a list called your Favorites, which you can access from your profile dropdown, or directly via this link:
Videos uploaded by users are meant to feature themselves and all consenting people. BE AWARE: That some videos may not be 're-uploaded' on BadPups, but are actually provided by our partners (other porn sites). This is usually the case when your video is labelled with "Community & Partner Site Content" or you see logos of other porn sites on or around the video in question. If you see this, you will need to remove the video from that other porn site.
If you find a video that's uploaded by someone else of you without permission - contact us with the subject “Removal Request.” Please include a direct link to the content (for example,
Videos uploaded by users are meant to feature themselves and all consenting people. BE AWARE: That some videos may not be 're-uploaded' on BadPups, but are actually provided by our partners (other porn sites). This is usually the case when your video is labelled with "Community & Partner Site Content" or you see logos of other porn sites on or around the video in question. If you see this, you will need to remove the video from that other porn site.
If you find a video that's uploaded by someone else of you without permission - contact us with the subject “Removal Request.” Please include a direct link to the content (for example,
REPORT THE VIDEO TO US: Videos uploaded by users are manually reviewed by our team, so this is very unlikely to happen. However if we've missed something - you can flag the video directly on the video's page to report it, or you can contact us with the subject “Illegal content report” Please include a direct link to the content (for example,
To upload to BadPups, first you need an account with a validated email. You can upload your video from our Upload page. You can upload videos either from your computer, or from a direct URL to the video (supported formats are .mp4 and .webm). Please read our Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy. Uploading a video means that you agree with our Terms.
The file types we support are webm and mp4. If you upload a different file type, our system will not recognize your video codec. Please convert your file into webm or mp4 before uploading.
The file types we support are jpg, png, and gif. If you upload a different file type, our system may not recognize it as an image. Please convert your file into jpg, png, or gif before uploading.
Your video needs to be moderated before we publish it. This usually takes a few days or less. Once approved, you will find your video on the My Uploads page. If it's been more than 48 hours, contact us.
1. Make sure you are logged in to a BadPups account - you need this to be able to upload. 2. Due to the large number of uploaded videos that require processing, our servers sometimes disconnect. They will be up and running soon. We apologize for the inconvenience. If this is your situation, check back in a few mins, or after a few hours.
To fix the issue, please follow this link:
All content that goes against our Terms and Conditions will be removed. Never upload: - Copyrighted content or content which you don't have the legal rights to post - Content involving real animals (i.e. zoo) - Content involving underage individuals, also content with individuals who appear underage - Content showing real violence (rape or harm to body) - Incest content or content with incest-related titles - Content of a very bad quality Also, we remove reposts and broken files (files with conversion errors).
To delete your video, open My Uploads and click on the quick edit icon, then choose the Delete video option. Another way to do this is: view the video and click on Edit video, then Delete video. To complete the process, you will have to click on the link sent to the account’s email address.
Open your image album and click on the “X” button above the thumbnail for every image that you want to delete. If you wish to delete an entire album at once, choose Delete album. To complete the process, you will have to click on the link sent to the account’s email address.
Unfortunately, it’s not possible. You will have to submit them again.
You may be unable to log into your account if it has been closed or if your cookies are disabled. Try enabling your browser cookies and then refresh the page. Please double-check your password. To restore your password, follow the link:
This may happen for two reasons: Your internet connection speed or our site is really really busy. If this happens, try again in a few minutes. If this continues to happen, our technical team will notice these issues and our server resources will be boosted.
You will find the instructions here:
To remove a video from your favorites, go to My Favorites, then click the “X” icon on the video thumbnail. The selected video will be deleted from your favorites.
To remove a picture from your favorites, go to My Favorites, then click the “X” icon on the image thumbnail. The selected picture will be deleted from your favorites.
Please check the sound icon to see if sound is muted. If that is not the issue, please send up a report with the subject “General Inquiries” and describe the problem.
We've made some performance updates to our site. If you have any issues using any part of the site, report it.