Staff – Team BadPups

Verify BadPups Staff, links and contacts:

BadPups Official Emails and Links

  • BadPups email addresses end in:,,
  • BadPups LinkTree is:
  • BadPups websites are: (this site), and
  • BadPups social media accounts are: Found on our LinkTree:

Beware of common scams / fakes:

  • If you are being urged to take any urgent action of any sort (e.g. password changes, account breaches, payment, verification), it is most likely a scam.
  • There are fake copy-cat sites that have copied the design of this BadPups website. Usually, these fake sites will have many broken features and links, or look off.
  • BadPups does send out emails, but they are either system emails or marketing emails. If you are not expecting an email from BadPups, check the email address that the email came from (see above). Report any suspicious emails.
  • There have been reports of people impersonating BadPups Staff and trying to get money out of you, guilting you for not owning pup gear, or threating you will be removed/banned until you comply with either paying for gear, send ID/documents or until you do something. If it feels off, report it, or don’t take any action the person is trying to get you to do.

Safety features in place on BadPups:

  • BadPups Staff have labels on Telegram and Discord in our groups/servers that show whenever staff post messages. See the above graphic for what these are; it varies per platform.
  • Important BadPups account emails include safety reminders at the bottom of emails.
  • Your account will be locked out if you (or someone) tries and gets your password wrong multiple times. You will need to wait or contact support to get it unlocked.
  • Well-known moderation bots help along with real humans (BadPups Staff) to check people, ban bad accounts, and help protect the community.
  • Videos are all reviewed by human moderators; this is why it can feel like it may be a while before your video is published. We aim to approve videos within 24 hours.
  • and various other processes not listed here or are private.

BadPups Staff: Meet the team

Did you know we are volunteer-run, as members of the very same community we represent? Pups (the pup and handler community)!

These are the official volunteer staff of BadPups Worldwide Entertainment. Meet the passionate, hardworking, and dedicated team members bringing BadPups to your horny feeds. Staff are listed in the order they join. Later, this might be put into role order.

If you’d like to support BadPups in keeping our servers running and as we grow, visit Support BadPups.

Pup Jason (he/him)
Community Manager, Finance, Social Media, Outreach
“Paws up for all pups!”
Pup, Furry
From Canada

Telegram: @BPPupJason
Discord: verybadpups

Jason helps fund BadPups

V / Pup Koshi (any pronouns)
Social Media (Twitter, Instagram), Outreach, Promotions, Chat Moderator
“Loves to push buttons, total paw slut”
Pup – Trans Puppy Girl
From location

Telegram: @CupOfKoshi
Discord: iveelynn

Pup Mitch (he/him)
Social Media (Twitter, TikTok), Outreach
Pup, Furry, ABDL
From Australia

Pup Micheu Toi (any pronouns)
Social Media (BlueSky), Outreach, Chat Moderator
“Is a chew toy!”
Pup, Furry, ABDL
From Michigan, USA

Telegram: @Micheutoi
Discord: micheupuppy

Ezriana Anmut (they/them)
Outreach, Promotions, Growth, Advisory, Chat Moderator
“The choices you make today, shape your world tomorrow!”
Handler, Pup, Furry, ABDL
From California, USA

Telegram: @EzrianaAnmut
Discord: ezrianaanmut

Pup Ana (she/they/it)
Discord & Telegram Chat Moderator, Video Moderator
“Punk pup in the streets, good girl in the sheets”
Pup, Furry
From Québec, Canada

Telegram: @PupAnarka
Discord: anarka_666

This page also serves to verify if someone who has contacted you claiming to be BadPups staff is legitimate or not.

Interested in joining the BadPups Staff Team? Check out how you can apply.

Want to know more about BadPups and what we do? Read all About BadPups and our Roadmap for our goals and plans to grow and help the Pup Play Community.