Photos & GIFs (preview)

Photos and GIFs of horny pups, handlers, and kinksters of all your favorite creators + you too!

Unlock this feature

You will be able to upload photos and GIFs with your BadPups account in albums, which will show in the site’s Photos & GIFs section as well as on your profile. You can upload your gear photos, yourself, and whatever horny or less-horny photos you desire.

Feature preview (mobile example):

This feature is coming soon: it will either be for paying subscribers only (to post/upload images – free for everyone to view), or for free for everyone if enough people donate/subscribe to help fund the cost of this feature. Why? BadPups is not yet funded by ads or subscriber memberships so to add features that increase operation costs, we need to work to cover these costs with your help… imagine how expensive it costs to run YouTube – or any site with high-res long length videos.

Want this feature on BadPups? Contact us to donate or become a premium subscriber on BadPups. Payment options are: card or crypto. A payment button will be added to this site soon.

How it works: Funds will be used to launch this feature. Until it is announced that it is available, if you donate/subscribe you are paying for preparation of this feature – it will not be available until enough people donate/subscribe.